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My Blog List

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Off today but wx did not cooperate

Before and after pic's of my street. It went 60F to 9F this morning

Monday, January 13, 2014

Tog fishing 1/13/14

Merv and I fished from 11 to 3 PM and it was a bit sporty with south winds 15 to 25 kts. We stuck it out and caught 10 fish but only 2 keepers. We missed 4 for everyone we caught. Bite was soft. We had a dozen Jonah crabs and 2 dozen hermits and both got bit. Water was 43 to 44 degree on surface. We fished in 50 to 60 ft of water inside the bay.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Point, NC 1/11/14

This drum was caught by a friends daughter on cut bunker in the surf. Her name is Alexis Bryant.